Fwd: Tutor Wanted: AP Computer Science JAVA A

Joel Adams adams at calvin.edu
Mon Dec 2 11:50:57 EST 2013

Hi students,

Here is an unusual job opportunity: a person looking for a private tutor for AP Java for a local high school student.  Anyone who has done well in CS108 could conceivably handle it, though the more experience you have, the better equipped you will be to answer the questions that come up.  It would be best if the tutor lives locally -- i.e., who will be here between our semesters, since high school will still be in session. Private tutoring of this sort generally pays well; if you are interested, feel free to contact Mrs. Reed directly.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Karen Reed <k.a.reed at comcast.net<mailto:k.a.reed at comcast.net>>
Date: December 2, 2013 10:29:07 AM EST
To: <adams at calvin.edu<mailto:adams at calvin.edu>>
Subject: Tutor Wanted: AP Computer Science JAVA A

Hi Mr. Adams,

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me.  We are seeking a tutor immediately if possible for AP Comp Sci- JAVA A. My daughter is taking the course online and struggling without an actual instructor as she is terribly confused at the moment. I appreciate you passing on our information to your tutor list.

Karen Reed

Joel C. Adams, Ph.D.
Chair, Dept of Computer Science
Calvin College

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