Fwd: summer internship

Joel Adams adams at calvin.edu
Sat Apr 12 13:16:39 EDT 2014


If you are interested in a nifty-sounding internship in the SF Bay area this summer with a new startup, read on...  It looks like you should probably have completed junior-level coursework, such as CS 262, 232, or 332, or IS 333 or 337...


Begin forwarded message:

From: David Bratt <dbratt at berkeley.edu<mailto:dbratt at berkeley.edu>>
Date: April 11, 2014 7:24:36 PM EDT
To: <adams at calvin.edu<mailto:adams at calvin.edu>>
Subject: summer internship

Dear Professor Adams,

My name is David Bratt and I'm an '06 Calvin alum. I live in the Bay Area and had a friend ask me to help her find a summer intern for her Bay Area start-up. (I've pasted the description after my signature.) It's a paid internship (including housing and a ticket out here), so I thought I'd randomly e-mail you and see if you knew of any Calvin students who would be interested and a good fit.

Time is of the essence for this, as they want to fill the spot very quickly, so I'd encourage anyone who's interested to write to my friend directly and quickly. Her name is Kailey Anber, and her e-mail is kailey.anber at gmail.com<mailto:kailey.anber at gmail.com>




Our company, Clover<https://www.clover.com/>, has an internship that unexpectedly opened up for this summer. The dates are pretty flexible, but we'd assume work throughout the summer from about May to August, or something along those lines.

What we're looking for:

Clover is looking for a driven, scrappy, and gifted engineer to join the team for the summer. If you have experience in server engineering, or Android App development, that's a huge plus.


We're located in downtown Mountain View. It's a 45 person operation though we're hiring pretty rapidly, which is great. Our in house engineering team runs about 30 people or so, so it's a pretty tight-knit team. As you can see from the website, it's a point of sale product, but we're unique in that we are hardware and software, and the entire engineering team is in charge of the full stack. So you've got front end, back end, app developers, electrical and mechanical engineers, and basically everything in between!  It makes for an exciting time and definitely gets you good face time with a slew of amazing, brilliant and driven people. (You can learn more about the team here<https://www.clover.com/team>).

Some other details:

The internship is paid, and Clover will cover housing for the summer too. (We have a house that is intern-ready about a block away from our office now). We're close to Caltrain, too, so if you want to head into SF or further north or south along the Peninsula (and you are without a car), it's relatively easy.  We've got the free food, fully stocked kitchen, a robot-bartender, and all the other standards characteristic of a start-up. You might have more questions, and I'm happy to answer any of those.

If you're interested (and I hope you are), send along your resume, linked in if you've got it, and GitHub.

Joel C. Adams, Ph.D.
Chair, Dept of Computer Science
Calvin College

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