Fwd: [CS-CHRISTIANITY] Messiah College advertizes a programmer / analyst job

Joel Adams adams at calvin.edu
Tue Apr 22 09:43:48 EDT 2014

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Chase, Gene" <chase at MESSIAH.EDU<mailto:chase at MESSIAH.EDU>>
Date: April 21, 2014 8:54:11 PM EDT

Please pass the word along to graduating seniors in computer science or others looking for a position as a programmer / analyst.



Gene B. Chase, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Information and Mathematical Sciences
Messiah College
One College Ave Suite 3041
Mechanicsburg PA 17055


Administrative Programmer/Analyst
Read more...<https://jobs.messiah.edu/postings/3327>

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Joel C. Adams, Ph.D.
Chair, Dept of Computer Science
Calvin College

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