Fwd: internship/employment opportunity

Thomas Wodarek tew3 at students.calvin.edu
Mon Jul 21 11:33:51 EDT 2014

This just hit my inbox, please feel free to follow up with Nick if you're

Note: He's looking for interns ASAP, but it's the middle of the Summer, so
maybe school year position?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Implom <nick.implom at salespad.net>
Date: Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Subject: internship/employment opportunity
To: abstraction at calvin.edu

Hey guys I wanted to reach out and just say that we are looking for 2
interns asap. We are looking to add support for multiple languages to our
software and this is a great opportunity for any young developer. Also, we
don't necessarily care about graduation date. Do you have any students that
would be interested?

It would be greatly appreciated if you could mention it and give my email
to anyone who is interested!


Nick Implom

SalesPad, LLC <http://www.salespad.net/>  |  Software Developer
3200 Eagle Park Drive, Suite 100, Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Office: 616.245.1221 x114
Distribution Software, *Simplified.*

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