Fwd: TEALS - Need your Help!!!!
Joel Adams
adams at calvin.edu
Wed Dec 6 20:10:23 EST 2017
If there are any alumni out there looking for a service opportunity, Andrew tells me there is a need here in GR…
If interested, follow up directly with him.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Andrew Spiece (Xtreme Consulting Group Inc)" <v-anspie at microsoft.com>
> Subject: RE: TEALS - Need your Help!!!!
> Date: December 5, 2017 at 3:32:36 PM EST
> To: Joel Adams <adams at calvin.edu>
> Yes, that would be great Joel.
> I have attached our volunteer guide. Here is a typical email we send out:
> Subject: Teach computer science. Keep your day job.
> TEALS + You: Teach High School Computer Science and Keep your Day Job
> Despite what you see on social media hyping CS education, most high schools in the US still don’t offer rigorous CS courses. Barely 1 percent of AP Exams last year were for CS. Want to use your CS skills to help change that? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and join hundreds of engineers who volunteer their time and skills to bring CS to high schools nationwide!
> YOU can help. Teach Computer Science. Keep your day job.
> TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) is an industry-wide grassroots program started in 2009 with a proven track record that partners hundreds of engineers from more than 300 companies who team teach high school CS and help schools throughout the U.S. build and grow sustainable CS. Volunteers and partner teachers create a ripple effect, impacting the students they teach, and the many students who will study CS in the future with the teacher we train.
> TEALS has partnered with more than 350 schools this school year! There is a school that needs an engineer to volunteer – exactly like you! Join a community, lend your expertise, and help create sustainable computer science programs in our high schools.
> Learn more about volunteering at http://www.tealsk12.org/volunteers/
> If you are interested in more information, contact TEALS using out contact page: https://www.tealsk12.org/contact/
> From: Joel Adams [mailto:adams at calvin.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 1:42 PM
> To: Andrew Spiece (Xtreme Consulting Group Inc) <v-anspie at microsoft.com>
> Subject: Re: TEALS - Need your Help!!!!
> Hi Andrew,
> I am personally swamped until the new year, but if you want to send me a PDF with the details, I’ll be glad to forward it to our list-serve…
> -Joel.
> On Dec 5, 2017, at 12:13 PM, Andrew Spiece (Xtreme Consulting Group Inc) <v-anspie at microsoft.com> wrote:
> Hey Joel, I have an opportunity in Grand Rapids for a volunteer if you are interested in learning more about it.?
> From: Joel Adams [mailto:adams at calvin.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:00 PM
> To: Andrew Spiece (Xtreme Consulting Group Inc) <v-anspie at microsoft.com>
> Subject: Re: TEALS - Need your Help!!!!
> Hi Andrew,
> Detroit is pretty far away for anyone here in Grand Rapids to volunteer — about a 3-hr drive — but I have forwarded your message to my colleagues, in case any of them have contacts in Detroit who would be willing to help out.
> Good luck!
> -Joel.
> On Nov 14, 2017, at 1:28 PM, Andrew Spiece (Xtreme Consulting Group Inc) <v-anspie at microsoft.com> wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Hope you’re well. Here is the email calling for volunteers with TEALS. Please let me know if you have any feedback or questions. We are currently in need of volunteers in the following high schools in the Detroit Area: Cass Technology High School, Western International High School, West Side High School, Summit Academy North (Remote) and Cornerstone Health and Technology. Any help around gaining support for these schools is needed.
> Thanks again for all your help,
> ---
> TEALS + You: Teach High School Computer Science and Keep your Day Job
> <image001.jpg>
> By 2022, there will be 1.1 million unfilled programming jobs. Today, most high schools in the US still don’t offer rigorous CS courses and barely 1 percent of college-level advanced placement exams last year were in CS. You can change that. We need volunteer help and are asking you to join a community of hundreds of other engineers and software developers across the industry who are volunteering with TEALS to solve the CS shortage together.
> TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) is an industry-wide, grassroots program that partners engineers with high school teachers to team teach computer science courses. It’s an incredible opportunity to give back and helps make a positive impact in schools and communities across the US. We provide our volunteers with teacher training – so it’s also a great professional development opportunity! You work with a team of volunteers who are partnered with a classroom teacher to team teach Intro or AP computer science in a local high school. Plus, this all happens in the morning – so there is no impact to your work schedule! You teach computer science, help teachers and students, and keep your day job!
> If you want to help ensure students have the opportunity to study rigorous CS in high school and help spark interest for the future generation of CS professionals,consider volunteering with TEALS. If you have questions and want to learn more, email andrew at tealsk12.org.
> Thank you working together to bring computer science to every high school.
> Andrew Spiece
> Michigan Regional Manager, TEALS
> (810) 813-0363
> andrew at tealsk12.org
> Computer Science in Every High School | tealsk12.org | Facebook
> TEALS in New York Times | CNN | Harvard Ed School | Kentucky video
> <image002.png>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Joel C. Adams, PhD
> Chair, Dept of Computer Science
> Calvin College
> http://www.calvin.edu/~adams
> adams at calvin.edu
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Joel C. Adams, PhD
> Chair, Dept of Computer Science
> Calvin College
> http://www.calvin.edu/~adams
> adams at calvin.edu
Joel C. Adams, PhD
Chair, Dept of Computer Science
Calvin College
adams at calvin.edu
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