Fwd: Tekton - Ecommerce Developer Position

Joel Adams adams at calvin.edu
Fri Sep 27 17:22:53 EDT 2019

Recent and soon-to-be grads,

Here is a local job opportunity…


Begin forwarded message:
From: Sarah Griffioen <sarah.griffioen at tekton.com<mailto:sarah.griffioen at tekton.com>>
Subject: Tekton - Ecommerce Developer Position
Date: September 27, 2019 at 4:50:56 PM EDT

Hello Calvin Computer Science professors,

I hope the school year is off to a great start for you all!

I started working at Tekton, a hand tools company nearby, as an IT Operations Developer in June after graduation, and it is going very well. This company is full of a lot of amazing people who are intelligent and driven to do their best, which makes for a work environment that is both fun and challenging. I am contacting you because we have an opening here that I would like to share with you and your students.

Tekton is looking for a full-time or part-time Ecommerce Developer. This person will work directly with our Front-End Ecommerce Designer in making our website look great and run smoothly, and they don't need a ton of web design experience. We're looking for someone who will have chemistry with the team, be motivated to make great changes, and be open to learning all that goes into making our website a place where tool users can find the information they need. If you have any questions about the position, please email Rachel Bromhead at rachel.bromhead at tekton.com<mailto:rachel.bromhead at tekton.com>. The link to the position description and application is here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.tekton.com_ecommerce-2Ddeveloper&d=DwMFaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=UBd3DJrRb2u6nC1BKQAr9Q&m=nJN02qodfqhhghKB_L-_S6gXzw0FFAjG6nytTn6wIPQ&s=0oLZl32nGy8f7QtxS07u1c4DtmRk44x4evzYr46jdjs&e=>, and the position description is also attached to this email.

If you could pass this message along to your students and/or recommend anyone for this position, that would be greatly appreciated. Tekton will also be at the career fair on Tuesday, and I will be at our booth if you would like to stop by or point students in our direction.

Thank you!

Sarah Griffioen
IT Operations Developer

[https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lh4.googleusercontent.com_GV4vgdI4GyOlz4wTahUwjJKCPSHMVFONzODxdG7wqtwTRBwryje-2Daed8-2DfGpAmH1Uz9iJIYXHg5e-5F234WKPnmxLugkx3ZVfripqRR-2Dva1VwGlO3RA5IfcpsK-5Fk4WpnNOhHuVWCBI&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=uSqxs5Y8uQDD4uHRv3uuOyZfg0VTgHHg5CYaq6kpqGo&s=4eeHR4ybzZz_lVdlCGRLQM-IsrDhPeftrrDXBdPzQJM&e= ]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.google.com_url-3Fq-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.tekton.com-252F-253Futm-5Fsource-253Demail-5Fsignature-2526utm-5Fcampaign-253Dlink-26sa-3DD-26sntz-3D1-26usg-3DAFQjCNGJf08OQayVCceyxMRgLjX-5FwiJ0Tw&d=DwMFaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=UBd3DJrRb2u6nC1BKQAr9Q&m=nJN02qodfqhhghKB_L-_S6gXzw0FFAjG6nytTn6wIPQ&s=KNdqFPj26SQwel4r8gtVq4W2fW9I9O0fG8rVsGRolkU&e=>


Joel C. Adams, Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science

Calvin University


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