FW: The Center for Social Research is hiring

Joel Adams adams at calvin.edu
Tue Jan 11 15:02:43 EST 2022

From: Adriene Pendery <arp28 at calvin.edu>
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 10:01 AM
Cc: Nicole Sweda <nes9 at calvin.edu>
Subject: The Center for Social Research is hiring

Dear department chairs, past and present CSR Governing Board members, student associations, and other Calvin clients and friends:

The Center for Social Research (CSR<https://calvin.edu/centers-institutes/center-for-social-research/about-us/>) is looking for talented and dedicated new recruits among current Calvin students and 2022 or very recent graduates. Do you know a student, impending graduate, or recent graduate who learns quickly, has an interest in research, works well on a team, and has a strong self-motivated work ethic? If so, we would like to talk to them about CSR.

We have multiple openings, including positions for:

  *   Several student Research Assistants (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors). Research Assistants contribute to many types of research projects and typically work at CSR full time during the summer (40 hours/week) and part time (10 to 15 hours/week) during the school year, starting in May 2022. Students from all majors are welcome to apply. Among the Research Assistants we will hire, we are looking for at least two with strong Spanish language skills, including the ability to transcribe Spanish recordings and translate from Spanish to English and vice versa.
  *   One full-time staff Research Associate (2022 or very recent graduates; pending administrative approval) who will supervise, train, mentor, and support the student Research Assistant team. In addition, the Research Associate is expected to manage and conduct projects and work directly with clients, starting in May 2022. The Research Associate typically works at CSR for one to two years before pursuing graduate education or launching further into their career.
  *   One to two full-time staff Research Specialists (2022 or very recent graduates; pending administrative approval) who will manage and conduct projects and work directly with clients, starting in May 2022. Research Specialists typically work at CSR for one to two years before pursuing graduate education or launching further into their careers.

For more information and an online application, please point potential candidates to our Employment<https://calvin.edu/centers-institutes/center-for-social-research/employment/> page. This year, we are also hosting virtual info sessions. Info sessions for each position will take place at the following dates and times:

  *   Research Assistant info sessions:
     *   Tuesday, January 25 from 3:30 – 4:00 pm: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RA20220125&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=S3Oc42xvHR066LjAemSK8XZP_ILyloN27gg1TdfKEDQ&e= 
     *   Wednesday, January 26 from 11:30 – noon: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RA20220126&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=m4NjmuDEJfeRV2HstQ4jw7PVT389GJ_Y9m85BXiNmws&e= 
     *   Friday, January 28 from 1:00 – 1:30 pm: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RA20220128&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=Q0JC2NX-IUKgDrKB1CrrCQVX4_5aoiSizbAD7F_jB54&e= 

  *   Research Associate & Specialist info sessions:
     *   Monday, January 24 from 11:00 – noon: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RS20220124&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=7IWwRuGLVE_X_Y_FXwIzIgyLxR0Jf13fwGJMbfWwbGw&e= 
     *   Tuesday, January 25 from 1:30 – 2:30 pm: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RS20220125&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=i80EJzhOZZpS1PW-_2YbMWiciyQPrdEZtpRXqVa3bQc&e= 
     *   Thursday, January 27 from 3:30 – 4:30 pm: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_RS20220127&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=NYkVm6cvE6CiV86DHNPpoMyXJa6Csd-FxjA6ZBhz238&e= 

Please direct inquiries about the Research Associate and Research Specialist positions to Research & Development Manager Adriene Pendery<mailto:arp28 at calvin.edu?subject=Inquiry%20about%20Research%20Specialist%20position>, and direct inquiries about the student Research Assistant position to Research Associate Nicole Sweda<mailto:nes9 at calvin.edu?subject=Inquiry%20about%20Research%20Assistant%20position>. Our application opens on January 24, and applicants should apply by February 6 for full consideration.

CSR collaborates with campus and community partners to support evidence-based decisions through innovative social-scientific research. We conduct dozens of research, program evaluation, and data analysis projects annually, including on- and off-campus grants and contracts. While seeking to exemplify technical and methodological excellence, we strive to be welcoming, inclusive, diverse, anti-racist, and affirming. We believe that our partners thrive and our best work is done when we embody these values.

We appreciate your help with filling out our team so that we can continue our work for Calvin University and the community!

Adriene Pendery (she / her<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.mypronouns.org_what-2Dand-2Dwhy&d=DwIGaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=V5oZXIbs0dPempdbsE3CDVVkPGRnUCl6n50_i4rwQdoo2iRPt2vb1zikZFtM4WBd&s=SGsPjD7E3WCZ2UBiVrErApXY-KdOj4RlsBvYlqizw-E&e= >)
Research & Development Manager
Center for Social Research
Calvin University
[_Social Research OTL rgb]<calvin.edu/csr>

adriene.pendery at calvin.edu<mailto:adriene.pendery at calvin.edu>

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