FW: Part-time summer work for a Raspberry Pi project

Keith Vander Linden keith.vanderlinden at calvin.edu
Mon Apr 22 15:04:37 EDT 2024

From: cs-students-bounces at list.calvin.edu <cs-students-bounces at list.calvin.edu> On Behalf Of Derek Schuurman
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 12:39 PM
To: cs-students at list.calvin.edu
Subject: Part-time summer work for a Raspberry Pi project

Dear students,

Over the past few years, we have developed a platform called the ARCHIE Pi - see:

Some of the more technical deatils are available on the github page here:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/dschuurman/archie-pi__;!!NqMqxtPG!5XQC5WehBvFU2To_cSRyM38f-AdkoNXDL_MIghLMVBHqhvWC4gwBEiUqObttyx93iiWXwDBbB151ORlUMFyJHQUPk6f326iw2Vibzno$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/dschuurman/archie-pi__;!!NqMqxtPG!44SFMtNEZIsLlfQCJw_Fol_JmQAdv_EhEK6sOM_bRYGqQ4W6bJqUbDouKhaI9yv7wQ6ei8Li6ZKCzO7XyNTBJMPSwHUPEithw3dvqA$>

We are hoping to add a few new features, including a file overlay system and a captive portal for the Wi-Fi access point.

I am looking for a student who may be willing to work a couple of hours a week throughout much of the summer to help push the ARCHIE Pi project further. The ideal student will be:

  *   Fluent in Linux command line
  *   Familiar with the Raspberry Pi
  *   A curious software "tinkerer", not afraid to sift through online forums and information to seek answers
  *   Possess basic knowledge of Python, shell scripts, PHP, HTML, and javascript
  *   Have 2-3 hours per week throughout the summer
  *   Ideally be in or near the Grand Rapids area in the summer

Pay will be comparable to what students normally earn for grading and tutoring.

If you are interested, please reach out to me by replying to this email and we can chat more.

Prof. Schuurman

Derek C. Schuurman, PhD
Professor of Computer Science | Calvin University
web | sites.calvin.edu/derek<https://sites.calvin.edu/derek/>

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