Need volunteers to help with some small abstraction projects this interim

Victor Norman vtn2 at
Wed Jan 7 10:40:17 EST 2015


We have a couple of small (should-be-fun) projects for Abstraction to work
on this interim.  One project is to figure out why the soda-pop server has
not been working correctly as of late.  This would be a fun little project
for 3 people (or so) to investigate.  Probably would take 5 to 10 hours.
Let Grant Ebeling know if you are interested.

The second project is to get a new machine up and running.  This machine
will be configured as a virtual machine server (running a hyper visor).
Then, we have to port over a few VMs to it and get them running.  And, we
have to get a new big file server running with it.  SHould be a very
educational experience for everyone involved.  Contact Brian Cole to help
with this project.


Prof. Victor Norman
Computer Science Dept., Calvin College
vtn2 at / 616 526-7805

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left
to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” -- Antoine de Saint
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