Google Presentation: Warehouse Scale Computing

Sharon Gould seg5 at
Mon Sep 28 09:51:00 EDT 2015

The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce that Chris DeJong, an engineer at Google, will be making a presentation at the department's colloquium.  Chris is also an alumnae of Calvin College.

Title:  Warehouse Scale Computing

Abstract:  Google's computing power sits in enormous warehouse-sized datacenters. But these are not simply buildings full of servers. Google looks at each of these datacenters as a warehouse-scale computer, or WSC. The talk will describe a WSC, its hardware and software, how a WSC is far more than simple, collocated collection of servers, and some of the trade-offs and challenges that computing at this scale presents. The talk will also touch on working at Google in a technical role, and leave time for questions.

*Note the change in date and location:

DATE:  Thursday, October 1

LOCATION:  Bytwerk Theater

TIME:  3:30 p.m.

There will be a meet-and-greet session, with refreshments, immediately following the colloquium.
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