Big Data Ignite conference

Victor Norman vtn2 at
Wed Sep 6 14:02:17 EDT 2017

Big Data Ignite! is looking for volunteers will help with registration, monitoring workshops and talks, giving directions, and miscellaneous tasks. In exchange, volunteers will receive free entry to the entire conference! But the best part is that volunteers will meet lots and lots of experts, practitioners, and managers in the fields of data analytics, IoT, cloud computing and AI! It’s a lot of fun and a phenomenal networking opportunity. Breakfast and lunch included!

In selecting volunteers, preference will be given to those who can devote the most time to helping out.

Interested? Apply on our website at!

Elliott Church
BDI director

Prof. Victor Norman
Computer Science
Calvin College
vtn2 at<mailto:vnorman at>
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- Antoine de Saint Exupéry

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