Needing students to host other students overnight during upcoming CCSC:MW conference

Victor Norman vtn2 at
Fri Sep 8 12:32:33 EDT 2017

CS/IS students,

On Friday, Sept. 22, and Saturday, Sept. 23, Calvin is hosting a regional computer science education conference called CCSC:MW. During this conference, there is a student programming competition. Typically there are 20 or more teams of 3 students in the contest.

One concern this year is that the conference is on the first weekend of ArtPrize here in Grand Rapids. This makes hotel rooms scarce and expensive, so professors from other schools are looking for places for their students to stay on that Friday night.

If you living in the dorms or KE or off-campus, are you willing to have a student or two stay with you for that one evening? There is no compensation for this and you don't have to do anything except allow a student to sleep on your floor for that one night.  You also do not have to be participating in the programming contest in order to provide this service.

If you are able and willing to provide this needed service, please fill out this form.



Prof. Victor Norman
Computer Science
Calvin College
vtn2 at<mailto:vnorman at>
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- Antoine de Saint Exupéry

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