Abstraction and WIC: Raspberry Pi Workshop!

Abstraction Club abstraction at calvin.edu
Mon Apr 9 12:19:39 EDT 2018

Abstraction and Women in Computing are hosting yet another Raspberry Pi
Camera Workshop! Following the success of the first workshop, we will be
teaching attendees how to use a Raspberry Pi and its camera to recognize
objects using OpenCV. This is a slightly more advanced workshop, so if you
came to the first one, this is right up your alley. If you haven't had much
experience with the Raspberry Pi's camera, don't fret - pair up with
someone else who might know a little bit, and you can work together. If you
have a Raspberry Pi already, we are encouraging you to come, since we will
be providing the cameras (we won't have enough for everyone so many of you
may need to pair up). Its going to be a great workshop!

There are only 35 open spots in this workshop, so make sure to sign up
right away.

Sign up here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__rpishop.eventbrite.com&d=DwIBaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=RETd07_84AAWNHy3_XnGfu607BBOainWRNg8YFxnWIU&m=TJKKcslQyqltVp1IcYmH7DIU5dT2VmtdSkW33HkgiOE&s=74nU5F4mCQxz6_beJOlvYJPDwWbRY_vdTRq_fvDaISo&e=

If you have registered and can no longer attend, please email Jesse Kuntz (
jrk54 at students.calvin.edu).

Time: 6:30PM - 8:30PM on Wednesday, April 11th.
Location: Windows Lab (SB 372)

If you are bringing your own Pi, run the following commands prior to
coming, as we will not have internet access during the workshop:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

sudo apt-get install imagemagick -y

Jesse Kuntz
President of Abstraction
[Club Website] <http://abs.calvin.edu/>
[Subreddit] <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__abstraction.reddit.com_&d=DwIBaQ&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=RETd07_84AAWNHy3_XnGfu607BBOainWRNg8YFxnWIU&m=TJKKcslQyqltVp1IcYmH7DIU5dT2VmtdSkW33HkgiOE&s=m-LA67OcA1Bf_soCib2SGNP4IW8MFkjZgxOq0O7AjqM&e=>
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