FW: Looking for student instructor -Girls Who Code

Sharon Gould seg5 at calvin.edu
Wed Jul 16 13:59:19 EDT 2014

This e-mail was in my inbox when I returned from vacation this week.

From: Ellen Bowen [mailto:cc.ellenbowen at student.grcss.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 4:46 PM
To: computing at calvin.edu; mscottbowen
Subject: Looking for student instructor -Girls Who Code


My name is Ellen Bowen and I'm a rising junior at Catholic Central High School. Next year I will be starting a computer programming club affiliated with Girls Who Code, a national nonprofit working to close the gender gap in technology and computer science. We are looking to pay a student instructor to lead our club meetings and guide our students with the following prerequisites-

- Advanced knowledge of a computer programming language. HTML and CSS do not qualify as programming languages.
- Intermediate knowledge of data structures
- Intermediate knowledge of algorithms

The instructor will be paid on a pre-determined basis and the club will meet weekly at a convenient time at Catholic Central during the school year. If there are any students who meet these requirements and are interested, please let me know.

Thank you,

Ellen Bowen
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