Hadoop Big data Engineer / Developer - Boise, IDAHO

Patrick Bailey pmb4 at calvin.edu
Wed Jan 28 12:23:57 EST 2015

Alumni, If interested, reply directly to Sai.

From: Sai Ram Chandu [mailto:chandu.sr at usgrpinc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 12:04 PM
To: Patrick Bailey
Subject: Hadoop Big data Engineer / Developer - Boise, IDAHO

We have an urgent requirement for a Hadoop Big data Engineer / Developer. This is a 6+Contract position based in Boise, IDAHO. If you are interested in this position, please contact me / send your updated resume.

Title: Hadoop Big data Engineer / Developer
Location: Boise, IDAHO
Duriation: 6+ Months Contract

Expert: - Hadoop Ecosystem, Hive - HQL, MapReduce, Unix Shell Scripting (Bash/Awk), Scheduling in Unix (Cron), HDFS, SQL, Analytical, Technical and Interpersonal communication skills

Problem solving skills:  Intermediate - Java, Hive - UDF(User Defined Functions), MapReduce Programming, File formats - parquet, avro, sequence files, Sqoop, Pig Scripts, NoSQL - Hbase, Build system for Java (Maven, Ant), SerDe (Serialize and De-Serialize)/JSON, Perl, JDBC/ODBC, XML, HTML, ETL Methodology
Basic - Hortonworks distribution. Managing jobs - Creating workflow Oozie, Yarn, Python, Agile development methodology

BASIC Details

Title (Mr. / Ms.)

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY)


Nationality & VISA Status & Current validity(MM/YYYY)

Available From(Start date Availability)

Contact Number :

Email ID:

Skype ID

Interview Availability (Any 3 Time Slots/Dates)

Current Location

Relocation preferences

Total IT Experience

Total (US Experience/Indian Experience)

Last 4 digits of SSN:

Skills (Please Mention if any Certifications)

Educational Details



Rate to consultant

Recruiter / TL


Sai Ram Chandu
(614) 408-9315 | chandu.sr at usgrpinc.com<mailto:chandu.sr at usgrpinc.com>
565 Metro Place S. Suite # 110 | Dublin | OH | 43017

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