FW: Int'l students are you job searching? RSVP TODAY
Laurie Lemmen
lbl3 at calvin.edu
Fri Mar 11 16:43:56 EST 2016
This is last minute and during spring break, but just in case someone is interested…
From: GTRI of Michigan [mailto:gtri=globaldetroit.com at mail172.suw16.rsgsv.net] On Behalf Of GTRI of Michigan
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 9:33 AM
To: TaRita <tarita.johnson at calvin.edu<mailto:tarita.johnson at calvin.edu>>
Subject: Int'l students are you job searching? RSVP TODAY
Reminder: connect with us!
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Int'l students are you looking for a job?
Are You a Computer Science or Computer Engineering Major?
Come network and connect with Duo Security<http://migtri.us11.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=6ce83f92b367512d22e4f80df&id=a635a3a203&e=70699b2d63>, a leading cyber-security firm located in Ann Arbor. This is an excellent opportunity for Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors and graduates to learn more about the company, tour their facilities and learn about the exciting upcoming job opportunities. Duo Security has offices in San Francisco, London, and Ann-Arbor.
Event Date:
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
4:30pm-6:30 pm
123 N Ashley St #200, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Dinner and Networking
Space is limited and you must pre-register by Friday, March 11, 2016. This is a networking opportunity only. Dinner provided. To register, you must email your resume to (<mailto:gtri at globaldetroit.com>gtri at globaldetroit.com<mailto:gtri at globaldetroit.com>)<mailto:gtri at globaldetroit.com>. All welcome.
We have limited transportation for Metro-Detroit locations at
Wayne State and University of Michigan Dearborn 2-2:30pm pick up
Wayne State pick up at corner of Anthony Wayne Drive and Kirby
University of Michigan-Dearborn pick up at The Union Parking
please email gtri at globaldetroit.com<mailto:gtri at globaldetroit.com?subject=Interested%20in%20transportation&body=Interested%20in%20attending%20Meet%20%26%20Greet%2C%20but%20need%20transportation%3A%0AName%3A%0AContact%20number%3A%0ATelephone%3A%0ALocation%3A%0AThank%20you!> to confirm your spot.
Summer Marketing Intern Needed [Lansing, MI]
The Marketing Intern will be responsible for assisting the organization in the development and implementation of its marketing, business development, and public relations plans. This will be accomplished through developing, maintaining and expanding marketing channels/methodologies to the professional community, healthcare professionals, senior industry and the public at large.
To Apply: Please email your resume for consideration to GTRI at globaldetroit.com<mailto:vpatil at kyyba.com>. In the subject line, include "Resume for Symbiosis International."
For more information about Symbiosis International please visit EMPLOYER WEBSITE<http://migtri.us11.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=6ce83f92b367512d22e4f80df&id=2875309c07&e=70699b2d63>.
Are you an employer looking for talent?
Employers are key to the retention of talent and combat of the "brain waste" problem. Global Detroit works to connect Michigan employers to the international talent studying and living in the region. If your company is looking for a competitive edge, join us and get direct access to top talent.
Interested? email Gracie Xavier, Director of Corporate and Economic Development Strategy, at gracie at globaldetroit.com<mailto:gracie at globaldetroit.com>
Copyright © 2016 Global Talent Retention Initiative of Michigan, All rights reserved.
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Global Talent Retention Initiative of Michigan
4444 2nd Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
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