Job Fairs and Preparation

Patrick Bailey pmb4 at
Mon Feb 13 08:19:51 EST 2017

Steelcase leading job fair prep session, and spring semester fairs
by Calvin Career Center (email<mailto:career at>)

Please encourage your students to engage with Calvin's job fair programming this semester.

Steelcase's University Recruiter will be leading the Career Center's Workshop Wednesday on Feb 15, 3:30-4:30 in Hiemenga Hall 315. This workshop will teach students how to excel at a job fair. Students will gain tips first-hand from a recruiter about the best way to set themselves apart. It's also a great chance to network with Steelcase.

Fairs scheduled for spring semester:
*Job Pursuit (registration is required, stop by Career Center for details), Feb 17, 9:00-4:00, in Lansing. Morning meet and greet followed by afternoon interviews. *GVSU Winter Career Fair and Health Career Day, Feb 23, 1:00-5:00, DeVos Place Convention Center downtown. Free shuttle to the fair leaves from Spoelhof flagpole by Admissions at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30. Go to to see the more than 200 employers attending this event. *Liberal Arts Career Fair, March 2, 2:30-4:30, Spoelhof Fieldhouse Lobby. At least 30 organizations will be on campus to meet Calvin students. Go to for details. *Out-of-State Teacher Fair, March 6, 3:30-6:00, GVSU Allendale Campus, immediately following the Fire Up Student Teacher Conference. *Teacher Search, April 25, 1:00-4:00, GVSU Eberhard Center.

We appreciate your help in spreading the word to your students and advisees!

Patrick M. Bailey, MS
Associate Professor Computer Science and Information Systems
Calvin College
3201 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
pmb4 at

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