FW: Associate Director for Enrollment Systems and Operations position

Keith Vander Linden kvlinden at calvin.edu
Sun Jul 28 12:00:58 EDT 2019

Here's an opportunity at Calvin that blends technical and communication skills.


From: Matt Jeltema <mjeltema at calvin.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 8:33 AM
To: Keith Vander Linden <kvlinden at calvin.edu>
Subject: Associate Director for Enrollment Systems and Operations position

Hi, Keith. Greetings from CIT. I wanted to alert you to a Calvin job posting in Enrollment, and am wondering if you would be willing to share this with former students you think could be a good fit or refer us to potential candidates.

I'm on the search team for the Associate Director for Enrollment Systems and Operations position - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bit.ly_2Ygy8K9&d=DwIFAg&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=zzLZx5LZ1XGPH-v7tq_ZkstXU36EEkGjVBQ57KQGE1c&m=qdaeSrtF3wfRdvTHy1jvjBIWMnMTMPVLPemIeMfjEew&s=KOYLgYEB1mkh_IFr03_puJRsxTmMNTvtom926rfey_Y&e= . This position includes both technical/systems work and supervision of the Admissions operations team. This person will be responsible for enrollment systems, especially the CRM, and will work closely with the Information Services team in CIT. It's an interesting opportunity for someone with a good blend of technical aptitude, communication, and soft skills.

Does this sound like a good fit for anyone you know? If so, please let me know or share this posting.


Matt Jeltema
Calvin Information Technology

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