19-04249 Database Administrator III - Contract

Patrick Bailey pmb4 at calvin.edu
Mon Mar 4 14:26:15 EST 2019


Please contact Brandon directly if interested.

From: Brandon LaPoint <brandon.lapoint at axelon.com>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 1:00 PM
To: Patrick Bailey <pmb4 at calvin.edu>
Subject: 19-04249 Database Administrator III - Contract

03/04/19 12:13 PM
Good Day,

My name is Brandon and I'm a recruiter at Axelon Services. I have an opening for a contract position with one of our clients in Kalamazoo, MI that may be a fit for you.

Job description:

Database Administrator III
Kalamazoo, MI
4+ Months

Database Services role provides planning, implementation, configuration, and administration of relational database management systems. Major Role Responsibilities: • Creates, administers, and controls database resources; • Monitors performance and tuning of the database, security/data protection, backup and restore, disaster recovery, capacity planning and data integrity; • Monitors performance, stress and load tests; • Works with project teams within the SDLC process ending with production acceptance; • Works with Architects and Data Modelers to continually improve on the alignment between the as architected, as designed, as built instantiation of data in database; • Leads the innovation and assessment of new and advanced database technologies, defining database references, technology roadmaps standards, policies, processes and best practices for implementations, upgrades, backups, security; and • Develops highly scalable database performance solutions and provides optimization methodologies by standardizing tools and processes that are used to solve both proactive and reactive performance issues. • Database Administrator - creates, administers and controls databases. Maintains security, backup / restoration, and data integrity. Monitors performance, stress, load tests, and tunes for increased performance. Creates and refines standard processes and technical documentation to maintain accuracy and address gaps for future implementations. Provides guidance and technical support for database-related issues which may involve working with in-house project teams, external contractors or solution providers. Years of Experience 5-7.

If you are qualified and interested please send me an email with your resume, even if we have spoken recently about a different position. If you do respond via e-mail please include a daytime phone number along with an updated resume. In considering candidates, time is of the essence, so please respond ASAP.

Please feel free to forward this email to a friend who might have the required qualifications.

Thank you,

Brandon LaPoint

Axelon Services Corporation
44 Wall Street 18th Floor
New York, NY 10005
(212) 384-6522
brandon.lapoint at axelon.com<mailto:brandon.lapoint at axelon.com>
Note: Please allow me to reiterate that I chose to contact you either because your resume had been posted to one of the internet job sites to which we subscribe, or you had previously submitted your resume to us. I assumed that you are either looking for a new employment opportunity, or you are interested in investigating the current job market.
If you are not currently seeking employment, or if you would prefer I contact you at some later date, please indicate your date of availability so that I may honor your request. In any event, I respectfully recommend you continue to avail yourself to the employment options and job market information we provide with our e-mail notices.

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