FW: Former Student Referral - Job Postings at Advanced Radiology Services

Keith Vander Linden kvlinden at calvin.edu
Thu Jan 21 16:34:46 EST 2021

Job opportunities from a recent graduate:

My name is Carson Wiens, and I graduated from Calvin in 2016 with a Computer Science major, Information Systems minor.
Today I saw that there were two job postings in the office where I work that might be good for Calvin students:

Systems Engineer - Advanced Radiology Services, P.C. - Systems Engineer (paylocity.com)<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__recruiting.paylocity.com_Recruiting_Jobs_Details_370539&d=DwMFAg&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=JhDWCBnuRQzO1O3Wnrh_-5Tq_lbjhPfN9dvv-oAoHUw&m=2kq33kNsJowUaINZ6yoCQ09u9XU8g28jpig4Mc6rYPc&s=8NzCLZ6Q4kmWKWlw1IF8-7UK0h6lJ4gMDiaDSlbj-44&e=>
Network Engineer - Advanced Radiology Services, P.C. - Network Engineer (paylocity.com)<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__recruiting.paylocity.com_Recruiting_Jobs_Details_440096&d=DwMFAg&c=4rZ6NPIETe-LE5i2KBR4rw&r=JhDWCBnuRQzO1O3Wnrh_-5Tq_lbjhPfN9dvv-oAoHUw&m=2kq33kNsJowUaINZ6yoCQ09u9XU8g28jpig4Mc6rYPc&s=Wsf_jh05cyEAHevSH5oJIixrMwIzrqQXWrrwOhcwovI&e=>

I currently work for Advanced Radiology Services, just up the Beltline from Calvin's campus. This office has been good to me, so I thought I'd pass the information along, in case anybody is interested.

Hope you and your families have been doing well this year!
-- Carson Wiens
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